
The purpose of this blog is for me to take all the information I learn about aquaponics (or a percentage) and put it to use. I figure that if I get it out into the open and publish it I will actually do something with it. As of right now it is only a theory but I have hopes in it becoming a reality. Over the last 15 years or so I have come across many things that have peeked my interests.. Including but not limited to electronics, Cars, Computers (much longer than 15 years) and anything technical. As of recent, I have begun broadening my horizon and have turned my passions to not only technical but other things such as aquaponics and building random things like desks etc. One day I hope to pursue the combination of all these things but sadly I'm not sure how it can happen :). I'm hoping to update every few days if not sooner. I spend a lot of time researching so I would really like to post each time I complete a session of research.. Good luck with that I tell myself but only time will tell.